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TradesLink is for all Recognized Tradespeople
- Automotive Service Technician
- Auto Body Technician
- Baker
- Barber
- Boilermaker
- Bricklayer
- Cabinetmaker
- Carpenter
- Concrete Finisher
- Cook
- Drywall Finisher & Plasterer
- Electrician
- Gasfitter
- Hairstylist
- Heavy Equipment Technician
- Heavy Equipment Operator
- Insulator
- Ironworker
- Laborer
- Landscape Horticulturist
- Locksmith
- Machinist
- Mechanic
- Miner
- Overhead Door Technician
- Painter
- Pipefitter
- Plumber
- Refrigeration Technician
- Roofer
- Sheet Metal Worker
- Tile setter
- Welder
- and many more!
How It Works
- TradesLink is free to use for all tradespeople. It's easy to download to your IOS or Android device. Set up your profile with as much detail as you can - the more detail you enter, the better chance you will be noticed by prospective employers. Add pictures of your tickets and certificates with any expiry dates. TradesLink will automatically notify you before they expire.
- Add you work experience and top 10 skills to complete your digital resume that you can send to prospective employers with a click of the "send profile" button.
- Next, search the crew section for any that you want to join. You can also easily create your own crew and start inviting your friends and creating conversation channels.
- Start posting with pictures and video with questions, sharing tips and tricks, post jobs, showing work you're proud of, posting something funny, or just share some new of what's next. The more you post, the more you get noticed!

Why TradesLink?
TradesLink Grows Your Community
- Our dedicated online space to build and grow networks with other skilled tradespeople
- Connect with like-minded tradespeople in a comfortable, safe, and social space
- Stay connected through the easy-to-use app no matter how busy you are with work
- An accessible tool that is geared specifically for you
- Vouch for your crew - tell everyone how great they are
TradesLink Grows the Trades Community
- TradesLink grows the trades community, which benefits the whole sector
- Join a crew and build networks for specific trades within your industry
- Grow comradery within your teams by vouching for your crew
- Partnerships with educational institutions, unions, associations, and government
- Vouch for employees after a job well done
Build Your Network
- Find work now, both short-term and long-term
- Grow and develop your career opportunities
- Track certificates, expirations, and advanced qualifications in one easy-to-access place
- Get help building your resume so employers can easily see why you are right for the job
- Post your skills and experience so employers can hire you tomorrow
Enhance Your Career
- Be proud! Share your work and skills with other tradespeople
- Don't be afraid to ask questions or get advice when you need it; this is a safe space to learn and develop
- Get or give mentorship within your specific trade. It makes us all better
- Post resources and learning opportunities for less experienced workers
- Stay current on industry news and trends
- Learn about other trades and their skills