Advocacy Update: March 15, 2023
Together, we’re engaging our community to
build better and will ensure that your voice is heard.

Advocacy Update:
On March 14, 2023, ECA hosted colleagues from the Calgary Construction Association for our inaugural Day at the Legislature. The ECA Board’s Government Relations Committee developed this valuable new advocacy initiative. It creates a new venue for the ECA to engage in direct, non-partisan discussions with policy influencers and decision-makers in ministry offices, government and opposition caucuses, and key departments.
A delegation of board members and executives from both associations participated in meetings with UCP cabinet ministers and representatives from the Office of the Premier and the ministries of Infrastructure, Skilled Trades and Professions, Jobs, Economy and Northern Development, and Advanced Education.

Our members were also formally introduced in the Legislature by Deputy Premier and Minister of Infrastructure Nathan Neudorf (p.577). Calgary-Hays MLA Ric McIver also asked several questions on behalf of the ECA and CCA, about our industry’s role in helping the Government of Alberta execute Budget 2023’s Capital Plan (p.583).
The group also met Official Opposition NDP critics for the ministries of Municipal Affairs, Economic Development & Innovation, Labour and Immigration, Service Alberta, Infrastructure, Education, Justice, Democracy and Ethics. Our delegation also met with top policy advisors for the UCP and NDP.
ECA representatives engaged in valuable dialogue about the association’s four key priorities: capital investment, predictable and transparent planning, improved procurement practices, labour attraction, retention and training.
We identified industry challenges and proposed policy solutions we hope will be reflected in UCP and NDP commitments in the coming election campaign.

Our accomplishments during our inaugural Day at the Legislature will influence the ECA’s provincial and municipal advocacy work over the next several months, which will include ongoing engagement with elected officials and key policy influencers, in-depth discussions about the potential benefits, risks or other impacts of UCP and NDP policy proposals as they come forward, and further cementing the ECA’s place as an essential voice representing Alberta’s construction sector in the capital city.
Our efforts and messaging are aligned with the CCA and the ACA. Amplifying the work of our colleagues and these associations - while highlighting the distinct needs and challenges of Edmonton’s construction industry, and building the ECA’s value proposition inside government, are the main objectives of this work.
In the weeks ahead, look for the ECA to provide members with an election toolkit to support these efforts.

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